The 2-year professional study program in “Web Programming” provides knowledge for all those students who are interested in building their professional career, both in the public and private sector in programming, part of internet technology. More specifically, this program addresses a summarized and practical way to the latest methods and knowledge in programming languages as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, .Net (C#) programming , Python, Ruby on Rail, as well as their two-sided integration.
This program will also address Web development languages in Server (PHP language) and Database server language MYSQL. Also, designing and programming platforms in the CMS-Content Management System (Wordpress, Joomla ose Drupal) will be addressed.
During and after finishing a Website, students prepare how to test and ensure its quality and functionality. During and after finishing a Web Site, students will also be provided with knowledge from information security, which is of highly importance.
The mission of the 2-year professional program, Web Programming, is to prepare qualified individuals using the most modern technologies of the internet and the Web. The mission of this program is to bring innovation in the training and preparation of students combining theory with the practice for online technologies, with the support of a dedicated academic staff, under conditions of a rapid development of modern technology.
This program aims to enable students to build and maintain a Website, which can be used for marketing or information purposes by firms, companies, or different organizations. This program aims to prepare students with teamwork skills, as working as a team is essential to the success of a Web project.
Students will be trained to create Web pages/applications according to the following disciplines: Front-End, Back-End and Full- Stack. Front-End Web Programming discipline is about the visual and interactive aspects of a website. The discipline of Back-End Web Programming is about logic supporting the Web Site, such as databases, user management, etc. Full-Stack Web Programming discipline includes both of the above disciplines.
During the two academic years in this program, there will be addressed basic and advanced concepts about building Web pages as well as basic and advanced views of the Web structure, focusing on conceptual and practical aspects.
The overall objective of the program is to prepare specialists in the implementation of methodologies in the field of Web Programming and Database.
Through completion of the “Professional Diploma” in “Web Programming”, students will be able to:
● Understand the principles of creating an effective web page, including an in-depth consideration of information architecture;
● Understand how to plan and conduct user research related to web usability;
● Utilize front-end and back-end coding and software tools to analyze and present data in a professional manner that could be translated to dynamic web-based or app-based media for the implementation in real world projects;
● Develop an understanding of the formalistic (aesthetic) aspects of design and visual communication, cross-platform, graphic design and/or game theory and embed content from different sources into web pages;
● Write at a suitable level for a public audience in an area related to interactive media;
● Develop, understand and explain ethical, legal, security and social responsibilities impacting web programming.
Type of program, duration, number of credits, etc.
The 2-year professional study program in “Web Programming” is a full-time study program and the duration of studies is 2 academic years / 4 semesters. Students must complete 120 ECTS to graduate. At the end of the program, students are provided with a “Professional Diploma” in “Web Programming”. The language of the program is Albanian.
The basic unit / provider unit of the study program.
The 2-year professional study program in “Web Programming” is offered by the Department of Computer Sciences.